In other words, someday the heat, humidity, drought, famine, plague and pestilence will be behind us, and we will be praising God. Oh, I can't wait!!!...I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
We weathered the storm, but it was a very interesting and prayerful trip home! You can read some of the details at Sarah's blog and see photos on Rebecca's blog. God used the events of that weekend to touch several people and to glorify Himself. How can we complain?
With summer officially here, several families in the church are taking vacations. Pastor Ricardo and his family have traveled to southern Mexico to visit family and also to attend the annual pastors' conference in Queretero. Sergio and his family, along with Luz and Annette (two other young ladies from the church), are on tour with ADAPT (Advanced Discipleship and Pastoral Training) teaching evangelism seminars throughout the Mexico City area. These families are missed in our small community! Pray that God would be glorified through each of them and that they would return home safe and sound...and soon!
We've suspended our weekly parenting class until after we return from our fall trip to the States. All four couples, us included, are learning a lot from these studies and we are deepening our friendships with each other as well. Pray for these young parents as they learn to apply Biblical priciples to their parenting. Some of these concepts are so foreign to them that it's hard to even know how to begin to apply them.
From the time that they began to participate in the discipleship class, they began to be persecuted for their faith. Being called what would amount to "preacher boys" and "goody-goodies", the other young men of the village wouldn't leave them alone. A couple of weeks ago, Aby finally told Doug that the pressure was too great, and he just couldn't take it anymore. The three boys decided that the class was too hard, and the cost of following Jesus is too high. After praying and talking with them for a while, Doug decided to back off and just let God do what He has planned.
Caleb continues to seek the boys out and draw them into church activities and invite them over to hang out at the house -- which they are beginning to do again. Pray that God's will would be done in these youths' lives. Being a "teen" in today's world is hard. Pray that our young men would continue to shine their Lights and be examples -- proof that Jesus is really worth the fight.
And finally, we are making plans for our fall furlough. This trip will only take us as far north as Riverside, California and we'll only be gone a month. If you'd like to meet up with us along the way or send a package or letter, send us an email, and we'll make arrangements. Here is our tentative schedule as it stands today:
August 20 -- leave Mexico, arrive in Tucson
August 23 -- at Saguaro Canyon EFC, Tucson, AZ
August 30 -- in Riverside CA (with Grandma)
September 6 -- at CC Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
September 8 -- return to Tucson
September 13 -- at Saguaro Canyon EFC, Tucson
September 15 -- cross the border to return home
So that's our past month in a nutshell. As always, you can read this update letter online at our ministry webpage and you can read more about our family goings-on throughout the month at Sarah's blog, Rebecca's blog and The Coult Family blog. Feel free to post this letter and our prayers and praises wherever folks might see and pray for us! If you would like to support our ministry financiallly, visit our Give! page at our ministry website.
Prayers and Praises:
- Pray for the young couples in our parenting class as they learn to apply Biblical parenting priciples in their homes.
- Praise God for the parenting materials He has supplied.
- Pray that God would make Himself real in the lives of the youth of Boca del Rio. Specifically in Aby, Esteban and Eduardo.
- Praise God for the mission teams which came down this past summer.
- Pray for the teams God is raising up for this winter and the coming spring.
- Praise God for His protection during the storm last weekend. Pray that we would have another opportunity to reach out to that family.
- Pray for God's protection and provision during our trip to Arizona and Southern California this August.
- Praise God for the walls we were able to build on the upstairs of our house.
- Pray for the church of Boca del Rio. July and August are the toughest months financially in the village. Fishing season doesn't start until September.
- Pray for safe travels for all the church members during this summer vacation time.
- Pray for health for our family. We've been passing around our first-ever ear infection for the past few weeks. With all the herbal and home remedies we have, we're muddling through, but it's just no fun to have a heating pad on your head when it's already 100 degrees.
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