Outreach Opportunities

The first step for determining your team’s outreach events is to spend significant time in personal and group prayer for God’s direction and leading. Decisions can be made taking into consideration the size of your group, the length of time available and the strengths and weaknesses of the team itself. To get you started thinking, we’ve outlined a few ideas. If you think of another outreach that better suits your team, we want to hear it!

Children’s Outreach:
• 5-day club or a VBS program
• Puppet Show
• One-day “Sunday school” class in an unchurched village
• Children’s movie w/ popcorn in a migrant worker camp

Youth or Adult Outreach:

• Dramas/Skits/Concerts; sometimes high schools will open their doors to an “International Drama Team” while they will not allow evangelizing by a local Christian church. There are several parks which are perfect for crusades and most villages have a centrally located cement basketball court (la concha) for community events. We have sound equipment and some instruments available. We even can provide additional musicians or drama members if your team is lacking in one area or another
• Door to door sharing testimonies
• Family Christian Movie in a local village
• Women’s or Men’s Bible study
• Presentation in local prison

Depending on how your team is traveling and what resources you have, you can decide whether to bring supplies for ministry down with you or purchase supplies here. You will find that craft and school supplies are generally more expensive in Mexico. There is a Wal-Mart in Los Mochis, so many items are available, but expect to pay about 10% to 20% more on average than you would pay in the states.

We can communicate more specifically about these things as your team prays about what they would like to accomplish.

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